What We Learn From Our Great Indian Epics
Which form is most difficult to obtain?
HUMAN FORM. There is no other form as good as human form. It is a ladder to take the soul to heaven or to god. Men who
fail to adore Sri Hari even after obtaining this human body, is like men who throw away the philosopher's stone and take bits
of glass in exchange
Which is the greatest misery?
POVERTY. There is no misery in this world as terrible as poverty.
Which is the highest blessing?
Communion with saints. No blessing is as great as communion with saints. Because they make you realise God.
How to distinguish saints from evil minded?
The saints undergo sufferings in the interests of others, while wretches torment others for their pleasure.
Which is the highest religious merit?
Non violence. A vow of non violence is the highest religious merit .
Which is the terrible sin?.
Speaking ill of others. There is no sin as worst as speaking ill of others.
What are the diseases of mind?
Lust, greed and anger, hypocrisy, deceit, arrogance and pride, violence, jealousy and thoughtlessness and many more.