The way to GOD
The human being is the most privileged in whole of the God's creations. Only the man enjoys the rare gift of thinking
and discrimination. Even with his limited knowledge he has achieved tremendous progress in various fields. If he ponders a
while on the source of his wisdom, he will be convinced of the presence of an unseen guide and perceive the protection of
a mighty Force. That power is GOD and HIS Supremacy has to be acknowledged.
Though HE may not be seen and may not speak, but He sends His chosen representatives to spread HIS messages. The sons
of God-saints and sages are symbols of daya and purity. We have to play our role according to God's master plan. The bondage
and freedom, pleasure and pain, birth and death, gain and loss are mental creations. when we overcome these pairs of opposites,
we will not born again. We have to carry our actions in a detached way in a spirit of dedication to the divine. We should
spiritualise all our activities and feed the mind with thoughts of God. Our heart should be pure.
The person who has disciplined mind will be able to pin all his thoughts through out his life on God. This habit of retaining
God's vision amid routine work can not be cultivated in one day. It requires struggles, willpower and determination. Chanting
God's names, listening to His stories, reading the scriptures, closely associating with people of virtue will make one to
remember God through out our life even at the time of death. Start the day with God, end the day with God.