Holy Vedas
God revealed IT in the beginning of Creation for the moral, spiritual and physical guidance and uplift of humanity. The
Vedas contain eternal truths and throw light on the various aspects of life to make a man perfect and ideal. IT shows GOD
is infinite and soul is finite. The finite soul can not contain the infinite knowledge of GOD. God creates, sustains and dissolves
the world. When ever the world is created GOD reveals the Vedas. The process will continue forever.
There are four types of Vedas. They are RIG-Veda, YAJUR Veda, SAMA Veda and ATHARVA Veda. There are 20358 verses in all
four Vedas as given below:
RIG VEDA -10522
SAMA VEDA - 1875
The teachings of the Veda are universal. Yajur Veda (26-2) clearly indicates all learned persons should preach the Vedic
truth to all, the Brahmanas, Kshatrias, Vaisyas and Sudras. Even women are equally entitled to read the Vedas. God is impartial
and can not be expected to be partial to one portion of mankind and antagonist to others by depriving them of their right
to study the Vedas. In the eyes of GOD all men are equally entitled to GOD'S gifts and nature like air, water, sunshine and
HIS KNOWLEDGE. In the Vedic truth no one is great or small. ALL are equal.
The Vedic concept of GOD is perfectly ethical and hence the Vedic verses uphold high moral values of life .GOD is truth
personified, purity personified, love personified and bliss personified. We crave to imbibe with in us a bit of HIS qualities.
The Vedic Dharma is the morality based Dharma and is based on truth and its acceptability for life i.e. faith, austerity,
daya (piety), selfless service dedication, generosity, peace, mutual understanding and complete reliance on GOD.
The Vedic verses refer us to the glory of GOD in HIS creation and ask us to establish a personal link with HIM in the
innermost core of our hearts, where we can feel HIS throb, hear HIS voice and see HIS vision.
Man based religions are of a later date, where as man's natural religion is eternally with him. Thus the Veda is a symbol
of Divine Happiness. May we all have the divine blessings!