The divine wisdom of Vedas leads to material and spiritual advancement.
Sharpen your intellect and enrich your mind with brighter vision to lead a blissful life.
Acquire and develop wisdom through discrimination between truth and falsehood.
Perform virtuous deed, live according to precepts and wisdom of the Vedas.
Intellect and faith are the two dependable oars that make wise men safely cross the ocean of birth and death; where
the fools get drowned in the middle.
The inspired sages who are free from desires and full of devotional love attain highest glory and everlasting peace.
Distribute the wealth to those who deserve it and seek GOD, the most precious treasure of life.
Happiness is acquired through the joy of worship and the cultivation of virtuous qualities. A true devotee is always
soft in speech and considerate toward others. At all stages of life, keep away from the evil of violent anger.
Those who give charity and look after the welfare of others are ever happy.
Bless us with divine fragrance O GOD and purify our speech. May we always speak sweetly.
Through your nobility and noble deeds earn happiness and make others also happy.
May your heart be full of generosity, kindness and love. May it flow to the downtrodden and make them happy.
Lead your life in the ideals of yajna, the spirit of sacrifice. Following the path of self-sacrifice, may you render
service to humanity.
Dispel the deep dark curtain of ignorance, Avidya, non-existence; O non-violent seeker! O persistent devotee! Get rid
of the feelings of envy, greed, and other evil impulses.
May we always have noble thoughts in our mind; may we never express bitter words in our speech! Through rigorous discipline
and strict austerity burn your passionate desires. Get rid of jealousy from your heart and avoid violence.
GOD says to man, I cover your frail body and mind with MY loving care. May all the discipline powers be kind to you
in your victorious onward journey.
We mediate in that adorable glory of GOD, which is ever existent, ever conscious and ever blissful. May HE stimulate
our vision and mental power.
O husband and wife may you always be generous and charitable. May benevolence be the motto of your life.