Without performing action, man does not attain actionless, or perfection in karma yoga.
Merely by renouncing action, man does not attain perfection in Jnana Yoga.
Man can not remain totally inactive even for a moment.
Outwardly renouncing action and mentally dwelling on the objects of senses is hypocrisy.
He who performs action disinterestedly, controlling his mind and senses is the best man.
Action is superior to inaction.
Desisting from action, one can not even maintain the body.
Action performed for the sake of sacrifice causes no bondage, but leads to salvation.
He who enjoys objects with out performing duty is a thief.
Doing work without attachment leads to GOD.
Other men imitate what a great man does; therefore, a great man should perform action.
God has no duty, and HE works with the view to maintain the world order.
A wise man should perform his duties and make others to do the same.
A man of perfect knowledge should do his duties without attachment.